Masurian Lakeland

images4Following the storm, the next day was cloudy but cooler and we cycled to the main town of Gizycko, approximately 12 miles away from the campsite. After a dank journey along the heavily forested cycle tracks we stopped for lunch in a restaurant overlooking the lake.  The town is a big tourist resort for the area mainly for Polish so no English translations on the menus. We ordered one starter of local meats and main course of pork (Graeme) and fish (me) with salad. The meat starter arrived and was sufficient for a dozen famished weightlifters who had missed their breakfast! The salad was equally large and the two main courses, which arrived at the same time as the starter made you look around to see when the rest of the party were arriving. The people at the next table looked rather amazed at the amount of food we had ordered, wondering, no doubt, if food shortages prevailed in the UK. Could the effects of Brexit be so rapid and extensive? The meats, which were fantastically delicious, we could take away, the remains of the salad became its very own compost heap and much of the pork went back to the kitchen. Following the lake around we cycled back to the campsite, the start was predictably sluggish but on arrival we felt we had just about cycled off the calorific effects of the lunch.

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