Preikestolen – Pulpit Rock

IMG_1178 - CopyIMG_1201 - CopyThe Preikestolen is a steep cliff which rises 604 metres above the Lysefjorden. At the top there is a large almost flat area of rock over sailing the cliff.  It is one of the most visited natural tourist attractions in Norway and the assent was one of my ‘must dos’ whilst in Norway. Obviously with Graeme down to one good arm  he opted out. Whilst Graeme wandered  around checking out the delights of Stavanger,  I took the ferry to Tau and the bus to the base camp. It had been a very overcast day and whilst on the ferry it had started to rain. The path to the top is approximately 4kms and very well signposted. With the rain getting heavier I started the climb. The first part was quite tough as it was initially very steep but after this the path became more forgiving with ups and downs and even some flat. The path is mainly made up of large rocks and boulders which are remarkably non-slippery. Distance posts mark the way to the top giving you some idea of your progress. After one and a half hours I had reached the top and as expected the views were spectacular but quite scary. The rain had stopped but the wind had picked up so no one was going too close to the edge. With the photo opportunity over I started the descent, luckily arriving back at base camp just as a bus was about to leave for the ferry. I reached van exactly six hours after I had left feeling a bit achy but very pleased I had made the climb and happy that all limbs were still intact. We left Stavanger at 8.00pm and drove via a 6km tunnel to Bru, a little island off the coastline and fortuitously found a peaceful marina to IMG_1192 - CopyIMG_1183 - CopyIMG_1210park for the night.

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